NOW is the Time to Fall In Love with YOU!

love yourself

“Self-Love is the key that unlocks your well-being”

You’re probably familiar with self-help books, social media influencers and talk show hosts who tell you to love yourself, but if you are like most people you may be wondering how to go about that. While your relationship with yourself is the most important connection in your life, it’s easy to forget about nurturing it. 

However, self-love and compassion are too important to neglect because they shape your experiences and relationships with others.

 Protect your health and well-being by making positive changes in the way you think about and treat yourself. 

Changing the Way You Think about Yourself is 100% Possible 

Maybe you’re hard on yourself (aka negative self talk) or you’re so busy with external obligations that you rarely consider your personal priorities. Looking inward could help you to value yourself more.


Try some of these strategies to help you to THINK more highly of yourself:


  1. Accept yourself. Know that you are worthy of love and respect just the way you are this moment. Embrace yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. I found that when I learned about my unique Human Design type that it opened up the flood gates of self-compassion. I finally saw why I was experiencing some of the challenges I was experiencing, began to accept my “flaws” and felt empowered by my strengths.

  2. Clarify your purpose. Invent your own definition of success. Ask yourself what a meaningful life means to you, even if that answer changes over time. Take time to connect with your heart center and breathe deeply. Think, what do I really desire? Take as long as you need to figure out your passion and consider working with a coach that can help you to uncover your gifts.

  3. Talk yourself up. How do you speak to yourself? Choose words that are encouraging and uplifting. Use your internal dialogue to build your confidence and manage your emotions. Read affirmation cards every day, before falling asleep acknowledge to yourself one good thing you did that day, spend time each week reviewing your accomplishments.

  4. Offer forgiveness. Let go of the past so that you can move on. Take any decisions that you regret and turn them into opportunities to learn. Make amends where possible and resolve to handle things more constructively in the future.

  5. Avoid comparisons. Facebook didn’t invent social comparisons, but social media has increased the potential for envy and inferiority complexes. Try competing with your last performance instead of living up to someone else’s standards. You’ll accomplish more if you dare to be yourself.

  6. Think positive. Looking on the bright side and being able to laugh at yourself makes you even more loveable. It also helps you to manage stress and deal with difficult circumstances.


Experiencing more Self-Love Also Needs to Include Changing the Way You Treat Yourself


Do your actions match your beliefs? You might say you love yourself, but your actions could be sending a different message.


Take these ACTIONS to treat yourself the way that you deserve:


  1. Practice self-care. Develop habits that keep your mind and body fit and strong. Go to bed early and exercise each day. Eat foods that feel good for your body and soul.

  2. Pick friends wisely. Surround yourself with family and friends who encourage and support you. Cultivate close relationships with others who share your goals. Engage in deep conversations where you can share your feelings and receive validation.

  3. Pursue your passions. Identify the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Block out time each day for something you love, whether it’s a task related to your job or something you do in your leisure time.

  4. Set goals. Give yourself something to strive for. Working towards realistic and challenging goals builds your confidence as you add to your achievements. By accomplishing small goals everyday you boost your feel good chemicals, which improves your mood.

  5. Maintain boundaries. Know your limits so you can define what behavior you consider acceptable. That may include physical boundaries such as needing your own space and psychological boundaries such as being entitled to your own feelings and opinions.

  6. Advocate for yourself. Once you understand your needs, you can communicate them to others. You’ll grow more skillful as you practice being direct and tactful in letting someone know if they cross your boundaries.

  7. Seek support. Ask for what you need. Let others know specifically what they can do, whether you’re looking for practical assistance like pitching in with housework or just a friendly ear to listen while you sort out your feelings.


Loving yourself can help you to enjoy more happiness, overcome challenges, and build healthier relationships with others. Make it a habit to treat yourself with kindness and respect.


About Jennifer Bronsnick, MSW, LCSW

Jennifer Bronsnick is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Anxiety Treatment Specialist.  She supports women and teen girls who struggle with anxiety, self-doubt & perfectionism tap into their innate resilience, get to the root of their fears and implement custom healing strategies so that they can experience peace of mind, more self-confidence and be liberated from the suffering that living with anxiety causes. Jennifer uses a variety of treatment modalities including Human Design, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis + Health Coaching, Energy Psychology tools, Heartmath and more! She believe that everyone's experience of anxiety is unique and the solution should be customized to the client’s needs and desires.

Book a FREE Discovery Session HERE.


Human Design: The Esoteric Path to Love


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